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Friday, October 8, 2010

Adorable Mickey Mouse applique shirts for a friend's Disney trip!!

I love these matching big brother/little brother surf board t-shirt and onesie! Fun in the sun in Florida!

I created these lollipop matching set for a close college friend of mine for her new baby girl and her big sister. I also made this burp cloth for our girly girl! Thanks Liza!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

So I now have a BLOG!

So I decided to start a blog to post some of my monogram and applique projects that I have done for my kids and for friends. I get asked a lot if I have a website, so this is my attempt to have a site to direct people to. Please bear with me as I don't claim the best writer or even humorous, but here goes!!! Here are some of my favorite appliques and clothing I have done so far!